Six Tips for Spring Gardening in the Northeast
Ready to transform the look of your home’s landscaping, but unsure of how to start? You don’t need to be a professional landscape designer to change the look of your yard for the better. Here are six helpful tips to guide you as you transform the landscaping at your Clinton County, NY home.
Prepare your tools
Think like the professional landscapers in Clinton County, NY and plan ahead as the spring gardening season gets in full swing. You should spend some time preparing your garden tools before it’s time to plant. Putting in a little elbow grease to clean your tools pays dividends no matter what you intend to plant, since clean tools prevent the spread of disease in your garden.
Prepare the soil
Soil conditions in the Northeast are much different than they are in other parts of the country. Perform a spring soil test to give you important information about the conditions of your garden beds. Once you know what’s in the soil, you can accurately add nutrients as necessary.
Plant early crops
April and May are the best months to plant cool season crops and flowers. After the last spring frost, plant carrots and lettuce. Keep tender crops like peppers and tomatoes indoors until the weather starts getting warmer in late May or early June. As for flowers, wait until the last spring frost to plant sunflowers and zinnias. Wait until May or June to plant other favorite blooms like daisies, lavender and roses.
Finish all pruning tasks
One of the most important tips to remember when landscaping in Clinton County, NY is that you shouldn’t prune too late. It’s recommended to finish pruning trees and shrubs before the summer season since the soft, new growth needs to have time to harden before winter. If you give the softwood time to mature, it will be able to withstand freezing temperatures when winter inevitably rolls around.
Feed your plants
Springtime is an ideal time for feeding your plants to prime them for growth. Fertilize plants with a spring mixture so they’ll be ready to fully bloom once the weather starts getting hot.
Pay attention to conditions of your garden
Simply planting and watering the plants and flowers in your garden isn’t enough to ensure they’ll grow properly. Always be mindful of the conditions of your garden. Major things to look for include the presence of new insects, disease and soil conditions. Pay close attention to the dampness of your soil, especially if your area isn’t getting an adequate amount of rain. If you notice the soil getting too dry, add a fresh layer of mulch of wood chips, straw or even finished compost to add a buffer layer that locks moisture in the soil.
Professional landscapers in Clinton County, NY agree that June is the best time for growing in the Northeast. While there is plenty of variety in terms of temperature conditions and precipitation between states like Maine and Maryland, June is seen as the start of growing season for many of the region’s most popular plants. For tips and assistance, reach out to Rand Hill Lawns, Inc. today.
Categorised in: Gardening