Categories for Grass

Choosing the Best Grass Seed for Your Climate and Soil Type

June 7, 2024 Published by Leave your thoughts

Selecting the right grass seed for your lawn is crucial for achieving a lush, healthy, and vibrant lawn that thrives in your specific climate and soil conditions. With numerous grass seed varieties available on the market, each tailored to different climates and soil types, it’s essential to understand your local environment and choose the best grass seed accordingly. In this guide, we’ll explore the factors to consider when selecting grass seed for your lawn and provide tips for choosing the best grass seed for your climate and soil type. Understanding Your Climate Climate Zones Before choosing grass seed for your... View Article

Preparing Your Grass for the Cold Season

November 3, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

As the seasons change and winter approaches, it’s essential to take proactive steps to prepare your lawn for the cold weather and snow that lie ahead. Proper lawn care in the fall not only ensures that your grass survives the winter but also promotes a lush, healthy lawn in the spring. In this blog, we’ll discuss best practices and offer tips on how to take care of your lawn properly to prepare for the cold season. Remove Leaves and Debris Before the first snowfall, one of the most important tasks is to remove fallen leaves and debris from your lawn.... View Article

Overseeding Your Lawn In The Spring – What You Need To Know

March 13, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

Overseeding Your Lawn In The Spring – What You Need To Know Overseeding your lawn in the spring is an excellent way to keep it healthy, repair damage or fill in bare spots. However, it’s a delicate process that requires the expertise of a professional. The Purpose Behind Overseeding Overseeding your lawn in the spring can make a huge difference in your yard’s health and appearance. It can also help prevent bare patches from developing due to adverse weather conditions, weeds or other lawn problems. The best time to overseed your lawn is during its most active growth period, which... View Article

How to Protect Your Lawn During the Winter

February 14, 2022 Published by Leave your thoughts

Once the leaves are cleared and frigid weather sets in, you might not pay much attention to your lawn; however, much of what you need to do to have a beautiful lawn in the spring starts with what you do during the winter. Make no mistake: snow, ice and freezing temperatures will have a negative effect on your lawn’s health. Here’s how to keep the winter season from damaging your lawn. Have a maintenance plan If your lawn is healthy in the first place, it’s less likely to be negatively impacted by winter weather. Proper maintenance throughout the year will... View Article

When to Plant Grass Seed

January 11, 2022 Published by Leave your thoughts

Grass seed is available for purchase at most garden centers and nurseries throughout the year. But that doesn’t mean you can plant it all year round and get the same results. In many climates, grass seed should ideally be planted from late summer to autumn. This allows seeds to germinate before cold weather sets in, helping them establish a strong root system which can withstand seasons of freezing temperatures. Here’s a closer look at why the later months of the year are ideal for planting grass, and some of the grass types to think about seeding before winter sets in.... View Article