August 13, 2022 12:00 am
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The end of summer can be challenging for gardeners and landscape enthusiasts — the start of cool weather signals end of season garden maintenance and winter preparations. You want to act quickly and complete your summer garden clean-up before it starts raining. Part of the preparation involves giving plants the attention they deserve to set them up for a healthy landscape. In this case, you want to create a garden to-do list to ensure you don’t miss any critical process. This post will cover tips for end of summer garden cleanup to help you have a great winter and spring... View Article
July 27, 2022 5:12 pm
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When most people think of the season to focus on lawn care, spring and summer come to mind. Fall, however, is also a very important time of year to focus on specific lawn care needs. What you do to your lawn in the fall will have a huge impact on the type of lawn you have next spring and summer. Let’s take a look at some fall lawn care tips. Keep on Mowing It might be tempting to park that mower after the first leaf falls from a tree. After those long, hot, summer months of mowing in the heat,... View Article
July 13, 2022 12:00 am
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You need to prepare yourself for the Fall weather that is to come and how this will have an impact on your lawn. From how to get rid of weeds to managing the soil of your lawn, there several Fall lawn care tips that you should do today to help keep it protected. Remove Leaves You may think of Fall as the time when leaves are falling to the ground, but it can happen before then. You should try to get ahead of this by taking care of the leaves as they fall to the ground. If you keep your... View Article
July 11, 2022 12:00 am
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What is the easiest and fastest vegetable to grow? As a gardener, you want to find the easiest vegetables to grow in your home garden to have a source of your own food. Also, you don’t want vegetables that will take long before they have matured or become ready for consumption. Here are the easy vegetables to grow in your kitchen garden. 1. Lettuce Lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to grow at home. It doesn’t need too much attention and can be grown in a small space. All you need is some loose, rich soil, plenty of water, and... View Article
June 27, 2022 12:00 am
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There’s nothing more satisfying than hauling in fresh produce from the backyard. After all, a trip to the farmer’s market is no replacement for sun-kissed, homegrown fruits, herbs, and veggies. If you want to begin your own backyard vegetable patch, there are a few key steps to take when starting your own garden. In this article, we’ll cover how to start your own garden so you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor (literally). Know the Zones The first step to starting a garden is figuring out your climate zone. If you don’t know how to determine the climate... View Article