Five Pro Tips for Tackling Common Lawn Problems

August 21, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

You want your lawn to look its best, but sometimes it just refuses to cooperate. Fortunately, there are tried and true methods that professional landscapers use on lawns in Chazy, NY that you can likely do yourself. Here are five common lawn problems and the pro tips for solving them: Thatch and brown patches: Thatch is a tightly intermingled layer of dead and dying material. It can include grass or weeds, and leads to brown patches. If thatch develops, it indicates pH imbalance. Thatch is more common on well-cared-for lawns, and often arises when you use chemicals that offer short-term... View Article

How Often Should I Be Pruning My Trees?

August 6, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Trees add beauty, shade and curb appeal to commercial and residential properties. No matter the tree species, size or age, there are a lot of benefits of including trees in landscaping layouts. However, trees must be maintained to keep them growing healthy and safe, and the most important aspect of tree maintenance is pruning. Keep reading to learn why it’s so important to have pruned trees in Chazy, NY, and how to effectively accomplish this task. Tree pruning basics Pruning is very important to the overall health and wellbeing of trees. No matter what kind of trees are growing on... View Article

Summer Gardening Tips for Upstate New York

July 23, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

At a time when many people are looking for new summer hobbies to keep themselves occupied at home, gardening is increasing in popularity. Whether you’re trying to whip your yard into shape for the summer months or you want to start a garden for the very first time, there are a lot of ways to approach gardening and landscaping during the summertime. Keep reading for some helpful tips from a trusted landscaping company in Chazy, NY. Here are a few of the best tips to help you get started with summer gardening and landscaping: Inspect your lawn and garden: Before... View Article

Summer Lawn Care Schedule and Tips

July 7, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Summertime is the big stage for your lawn. It’s time for you to show off that green grass for picnics, barbecues and the kids who play on it, so you’ll want it to be ready when that time comes. Quality landscaping companies in Chazy, NY know that having a healthy lawn in the summer months takes work. Keeping a lawn healthy and green isn’t exactly rocket science, but it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of situation, either. Here are some tips to get your lawn to perform at its peak in the summer. Preparation is key In the early weeks of... View Article

The New York Homeowners’ Guide to Preparing Your Yard for Summer

June 23, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

The best local landscapers know a thing or two about yards in Chazy, NY. When the warm weather returns and everyone’s aching to get outside, there are a few things you should know about getting and keeping your yard in top condition for summer. Here are our best tips to keep your lawn looking nice and green this season. Fill in your lawn’s bald spots One of the first steps that the best local landscapers will take to ensure a lawn is looking healthy is to fill in any thinning areas by reseeding the grass. When winter starts to fade... View Article