“Is It Dead?” How to Tell if Your Plants Survived a Cold Winter Season

March 30, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Rain, hail, sleet, snow and freezing temperatures can leave your yard looking more like a plant graveyard. Before you start digging up your plants and dumping them on the compost pile, wait—they might just be dormant. Plants often shut down during extreme weather, conserving energy until it warms up enough for them to thrive. How do you tell if your carefully planted shrubs in Chazy, NY are long gone or just waiting for sunnier times? One foolproof way to tell is by working with a local landscaper who can provide advice and tips—but in the meantime, here’s how to tell... View Article

Yard Care Tips for New York Homeowners to Get Their Yards Ready for Summer

March 16, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Spring is finally here, which means summer is just around the corner. That means it’s time to get your yard in shape and ready for the warmer weather. It can take time for your grass and plants to recover from a long, harsh winter. The earlier you start, the easier it will be to cultivate a lush, green yard by the time it’s swimming and barbecue season. Here are some tips to get you started—and if you’d rather leave it to the professionals, reach out to the best local landscapers in Chazy, NY for great results. Perform a soil analysis... View Article

Landscaping Suggestions for February and March

February 26, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Landscaping might be the furthest thing from your mind when you’re stuck in a seemingly never-ending winter, but there’s plenty of preparation you can do as you wait for the arrival of spring and the better weather that comes along with it. Here are a few late winter tips for landscaping in Chazy, NY. Landscaping suggestions for February This is the time to prune fruit trees, berry plants and grapevines. You can also get rid of any winter damage that may have been caused to plants, shrubs and grasses. However, be sure not to prune spring flowering shrubs and trees.... View Article

The Pros and Cons of Stump Grinding

February 12, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

So, you’ve decided to remove a tree on your property, but have you thought about what you’re going to do with the stump that’s left behind? Read on to learn more about different approaches to stump removal in Chazy, NY. Methods of stump removal There are various ways to proceed after removing a tree. Chemical applications require little physical effort, but they can require plenty of time and attention to ensure they’re working properly. You could completely dig out the stump and its roots, which is often a labor-intensive and expensive process. Maybe you don’t want to remove the stump... View Article

How to Identify and Care for Different Types of Grass

February 8, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Contrary to popular belief, not all grass is the same, and different species of grass require different approaches to flourish and grow. To get the most out of your lawn, it’s important to know what kind of grass you have and what it requires to be as healthy as possible. Make sure your lawn in Chazy, NY is as green and lush as it can be by learning how to identify and care for different types of grass. Types of grass in different growing regions Different regions are home to different types of grasses. Here are some regions of the... View Article