January 2, 2020
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You remembered to shut off the water to the exterior faucet. You serviced your furnace. You secured all the windows. But have you taken your winter preparations outdoors? Did you ready your yard for the winter season? If you haven’t, follow these tips from your landscaping contractors in Chazy, NY to get your lawn in good shape to face the harsh winter months. Don’t call it quits too soon As the leaves start to turn and your grass growth slows, you might be tempted to store away the lawnmower and sprinkler for the season. The day to pack it in... View Article
November 23, 2019
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Experienced landscaping companies in Chazy, NY are familiar with the importance of year-round yard care and what needs to be done. For instance, landscapers know that late fall is a good time to winterize your lawn and garden. Not only does winterizing clear away unsightly dead foliage from last season’s growth, it also prepares the soil for new plants once the weather warms up. Here are a few things you want crossed off your fall to-do list. Tend to your lawn If you usually don’t feed your grass during fall, it’s time to learn the reasons why you should, as... View Article
October 23, 2019
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Most people think of spring as the best time of year to plant vegetables, flowers and trees, but fall can also be a great time for planting. If you’re preparing to do some planting this fall, it’s important to take some steps to prepare your yard so you can get the best results possible. The good news is that you can keep your yard ready for fall planting by following some simple advice. Read on for several landscaping tips in Chazy, NY that you can use to get your yard ready for fall: Aerate your lawn: Lawn aeration is an... View Article
August 6, 2019
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If you’re a homeowner and plan to enjoy your backyard or lawn this summer, you may be interested in some landscape tips in Chazy, NY. With regular lawn maintenance, like keeping to a mowing schedule and watering at the right times of day, you can keep your lawn looking great all summer long. Many people wonder whether fertilization is necessary during the summer. Keep reading to find out more about fertilizing and other landscape tips in Chazy, NY! Proper fertilization for a beautiful lawn Fertilizing certain parts of your lawn is a good practice to keep up during the hot... View Article
July 23, 2019
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Summer is the season for living life outdoors as much as possible. You may be having barbecues and pool parties, or at least spending some cool evening hours outdoors enjoying your back porch or patio. Whatever your lifestyle, enjoying your property comes with some upkeep to your yard. If you’re looking for ways to improve your summer landscaping in Chazy, NY at your home, check out the following tips for the most aesthetically pleasing lawns, gardens and landscapes: Keep your mowing schedule: If you do nothing more complex in terms of your summer landscaping in Chazy, NY, the most important... View Article